Presentation: Tweet"Configuration Management: Stability in Your Pipeline"
Friday 14:50 - 15:20
Robertson 1
Provisioning and deploying a production-worthy application has never been simple. With the increase in scale and complexity of applications, it's no longer enough to scramble up code with Ant, season it with shell scripts, drop it into Dev and call it a day; especially when Dev bears no resemblence to Production. Confidence in your release quality starts in dev. Engendering that confidence means environment configurations and deployment scripts closely aligned with Production. Regardless of whether you deploy Java, Ruby or .Net apps, configuration management is the foundation that will help you find that homogeneity from workstation to production servers.
In this talk we'll discuss why consistency matters and how to use configuration management in both existing and new projects to find confidence, stability and consistency in your pipeline.
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In this talk we'll discuss why consistency matters and how to use configuration management in both existing and new projects to find confidence, stability and consistency in your pipeline.