Flowcon SF 2014, September 3-4 San Francisco, California
Catt Small, TweetProduct Designer at SoundCloud

Biography: Catt Small
Catt is a proud gamer, Product Designer, and Front-End Web Developer at SoundCloud. She has done design work for companies of all sizes including Bedrocket, NASDAQ OMX, and Scholastic. She started coding at the age of 12, designing at the age of 15, and graduated from SVA with a BFA in Graphic Design in 2011. In her spare time, Catt makes video games with Buttered Toast Studios and Brooklyn Gamery; organizes events for Tech Under Thirty; teaches game development with The Code Liberation Foundation; and draws comics.
Twitter: @cattsmall
Twitter: @cattsmall
Website: http://cattsmall.com/
Presentation: TweetWe're all Designers: Encouraging Collaboration in Design Without Forming a Committee
Wednesday 14:10 - 14:40
Metropolitan 1
Product design and development often involves many people of different roles who enter and leave at different parts of a project. However, this can cause communication problems and responses that sound like "you're the designer", "that'll take too much time", or "that's not my job" when people attempt to collaborate. Catt Small, a Product Designer at SoundCloud, will discuss methods used to cross silos in order to speed up the design and development process while also building camaraderie, agency, and transparency. People will come away from this talk with strategies to communicate better across teams and transition toward a more efficient, collaborative environment.